
Vulnerability and Compliance Management Simplified

We will help you secure your fleet in minutes and verify it with Auditors

Our Features

Endpoint Analytics Modernization

Windows, Macs, Apple Mobile Devices, Android, ChromeOS, Linux and Unix containers. All have unique and strong detections that integrate with the tools you are using today

Versatility in Detections

Around 200-400 net new detections are processed every week along with 500-1000 updates every week. Integrating NVD and vendor websites for a solid understanding

User First Design

From the start this system was designed with the user in mind. The person holding the device, client engineers, software engineers, etc. The resolution is connected with the detection

AI and ML Acceleration

Models are trained against public data to help speed up net new detections. Whether this is with NVD, VulnCheck, or vendor websites the AI and ML help speed detection and resolution


After more than 20 years of industry experience in building security and compliance tools helping ourselves maintain our posture and compliance we decided it was time to make these available to you. Many services are free and we connect into the technology stack you use today.

We help expand the customers you can sell to by making compliance reporting trivial.


What Services are for sale today?

Currently None, check back through the year as we expand our free offerings with premium features and support

What services are open source?

Most applications and services have a generous free tier and a low cost premium tier to help use maintain the back end systems. Refer to the official GitHub page for current open source solutions

Agentless vs Agent Detections

Agent based detections will almost always detected more vulnerabilities and integrate into the system. However, many environments do want another piece of software to manage on their devices. We give you the tools to understand what is possible with your stack and the difference between detections and capabilities.

What is your security and compliance posture

While we don't currently carry any compliance certifications, yet. We are building this with the intention of this becoming eligible for running in StateRamp and FedRamp environments.

We believe in being the vendor we want our vendors to be so as soon as financially viable we will attain a SoC2 Type 2

Let's talk!

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